Creating Anchors and Links

The golive toolbar offers buttons to create anchors and links:


If you want to create a link to a certain place within your document you first have to define this location by marking it as an anchor. Select the text you want to define as an anchor and click the "Anchor" button. In the subsequent dialog you can assign a name to the anchor:

Anchor dialog

To create a link to an anchor select your link text and click the "Link" button. In the popup of the subsequent dialog you can choose the anchor you want to link to:

Link dialog

If you do not want to link to an anchor but to another document, select your link text and click the "Link" button. Enter the URL in the subsequent dialog or browse the file system. You can also select your link text in your document and drag the document you want to link to from the Finder. Either text and images can be defined as links. If you define an image as a link there is a border around it by default. If you do not want this border to appear go to the image dialog again and define the custom border to be 0 pixels. All created links are shown in the status line at the bottom of the window.

If you want to remove an existing link and define it as normal text choose "Remove Reference" from the "Element" menu.

If you are working with frames note that you have the possibility to specify the target window or frame where the resulting HTML page should appear. If you do not specify any target, the resulting HTML page will be displayed in the current window or frame.

It is also possible to insert an e-mail address. To do this, type the following within the link dialog: "mailto:eMail address". Your browser will automatically open your e-mail application.

By clicking on a link while pressing "Command" your can already see if your links work correctly without using the browser application.

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